Friday, March 28, 2008

This is NOT an introduction

My friend Desdrata wouldn't let it go until i began a blog. So i did.

I'm not sure what this will become, whether something just between me and a few close friends, between me and absolutely no one, between me and gobs of adoring fans, who knows. the first is probably the most likely. at least I know I have one reader.

the root of this blog is a place for me to expel some of my more general frustrations and observations about what i see around me.

And now the obligatory "About Me" section:
*this is only going to happen once. The point of this is not to blab on and on about my feelings or family or friends. This will inevitable spiral downwards into brief moments of insanity, spiral up into other moments of lucidity, and generally hang somewhere in between fantasy and reality.

I live in Logan Square with my boyfriend and my best friend. And my two big baby kitties. as much as I love the other two people I live with, the cats are by far the most entertaining. I cannot guarantee there will not be posts devoted entirely to them.

I work a job i hate. I really hate it. While I was trying to write this, I was interrupted by one of the jackasses i work with.....

And now its 6 hours later and I still haven't finished my first blog.

God I need a new job! First thing: decide on a direction!!

This day has exhausted me beyond compare. And no one brought me that gun I asked for! My co worker asked me if I wanted something from downstairs and I specifically remember asking for a gun...AND ammunition. Fine! Don't bring me a gun! I don't care!

You see??? You see what this job does to me??

I will end this first post with a story from the dreaded job of doom:

I am now required to enter all the quarterly phone review appointment setting attempts on a new spreadsheet. I am to take detailed notes on how every phone call went, including the messages I leave. So I call these people. I leave very detailed messages in a very professional manner. However, when I record these notes, I tend to get a little on the creative side. Observe some of my personal favorites:

Message notes about client #1 who is from the south side: I said yo, whats up Big Frank. He was all like, I can't come to the phone right now, but leave a message up in the hizz-a. So I was all like, yo yo G Money! Whaz up wid it? Ma Main Man M to the Arty wants yo azz up in a meetin' pretty soon, ya dig? Holla back at me when you free up fool!

Message notes about client #2 who works in the dental industry: I called their office. The Lords of the Fangs were not available to discuss any dastardly deeds at the moment, but I left a message for the Dark Countess. If I am a good minion my mistress will reward me with small mammals on which I can practice my growing dark talents....

Message notes about client #3 who lives in TN : I dang left a meesage for that there wo-man lil Sue. She dun werent home, so tacked up dis here note onto her cabin door as to make sure she spies it when she gits home. I dun tol her dat shes goin have a review like with Marty fo the second 1/4 and fer her to go-on and call ma back.

Message notes about client #4: I called him, on a whim. I said Hi, he said Why. Sorry Nora, right now I'm busy. That’s ok Jim, I'm not in a tizzy. Nora, can I call you later? Abso-positively gator! He will call me back I say! Hopefully sometime before May.

Message notes about client #5: Left a message. But while I was leaving one, I fell down a rabbit hole and was taken on a long journey into the wilderness of a strange land. The white knight spoke backwards to me and my very life was threatened by a crazy red queen with a fetish for croquet.

Hee hee

I’m biding my time til they see it and I get a talking to…